The Zanesville Signal from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

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Zanesville, Ohio

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THE ZANES VILLE SIGNAL 4 VOL XLI NO 225 PRICE: TWO CENTS ZANESVILLE OHIO RIDAY EVENING DECEMBER 12 1919 I WORK IN COAL MINES RESUMED UEL BAN VERY SOON MINERS ILLINOIS iThat Much Is Disclosed By I Yo fron Arroircf I urn Local Miners to Go Back to Work Early Next Week GARIELD PEEVED QUITS now Constructing loeonioth cs cars 1 In A OHIO MINERS AT "WORK Doc 12 dead him as PASS SUGAR BILL all re i 3 Puebla In the the strike settled on the a 14 per cent wage Increase permitting by simply the report burlesque of movies special grand case probably Wednesday in Charles White rear came Newark survive body was taken Mangold morgue burial and later The'funeral will opinion self convince the necessary to as otherwise COSHOCTON WOMAN IS OUND DEAD AT THE HOME DE SON yesterday In a telegram to John Ta Workers expressing appreciation of the strike The message eftld: and through you to the other of appreclation of the patriotic action DANIEL A JONES ALASKA HERE HAS WON PROMOTION ollowing Is nn interview with Herr Krupp Von Bohlen directing bend of the Great Krupp Works formerly the largest railway munitions plant in the world now engaged in turn ing out railway equipment and agricultural implements An inter view with rau Krupp Von Bohlen (the owner of the works) was published yesterday JENKINS MCES COURT IN MEXICO IS KIILING IK A Real Live Evening Raper CLEVELAND WILL CLEAN UP DANCE HALLS AT ONCE Director Hines will take probably of the work of en coal restrictions until the becomes normal probably AMINE NEWS PRINT TAKEN UP BY USSENATE shevlk propaganda In the by Caranzlsta agents He said no de nial had been made of the authen city of the letters produced by all because they were "so MOTHER DEAD GIRL TO TESTIY OR THE CORONER his resignation is ex 1 accepted immediately Wilson it was stated House today resignation followed the coal strike on the All the News i All the Time NEW LEXINGTON NEW LEXINGTON Dec 12 Minors returned to work tn the hoHierics here today and expected to have the first coal sliipixxl Monday Samuel Matthews aged 39 of 1108 Maple avenue died at 6 o'clock riday morning at Bethesda hospital folowing a brief Illness from a com plication of diseases He was assis tant manager and accountant of the Cardinal Phonograph company and although not feeling well on Tuesday He became worse and was removed to the Bethesda hospital on Wednesday Mr Matthews came to this city less than a year ago from Pittsburg He was a prominent Masotj and a member of Grace church He wa affiliated with Guyasuta lodge of Masons and Pittsburg comman dery No 1 He was a member of the local Grotto He Is sur vlved by his wife and four children They are: Virginia Helen David and Jane Matthews Two brothers David of Arizona John of Pittsburg and a sister Mrs George Hayden of After death tho to the Bateman and prepared for taken to the home be held at the hom*o at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon and will be In charge of Rev McClure of Central church In the absence of Dr Scott The body will be taken to Pittsburg Saturday for burial services being held there Monday wanted basis of only Rail charge forcing supply the latter part of January The White House today was ex pected to make public the names of the three men who will compose the commission to study the mining situation in accordance with the agreement entered into with the mine union leaders Advices received here today indicated coal production was rapidly increasing and that a normal rate would be reached within a week However pro duction must be considerably more than normal before all re strictions can be lifted The ban on retail stores Ims been cased on account of the Christmas shopping rush They may re main open nine hours on Satur day Instead of the six allowed on week days Hammonton Dec 12 That Billy Dansey murdered "perfect lived for some time after he was struck down October 8 was re vealed for the first ttme today This information which deepened the mystery surrounding the death was contained In the warrants charging Charles White wealthy florist with his murder and Mrs Edith Jones his housekeeper with being an accessory The con tents of the warrants hitherto had been kept secret "On Oct 8 1919 at the Eown of Hammonton one Charles White of the aforesaid town of Hammonton willfully and with majice afore thought did murder one George Wil liam (Billy) Dansey by feloniously assaulting said George William Dan sey and giving him a mortal wound of which he languished a short time and then the warrant said In part Mrs Jones the warrant said "had knowledge of a certain crime and aided and abetted in same crime and is an accessory after the fact" The warrants did not reveal what manner the Dansey baby met his death The assumption has been he was struck by a stone Edward White father of Charles White said today he had decided not to press for a writ of habeas corpus preferring to "wait for an open Relatives of the younger White and Mrs Jones were to renew their attempts to see them In the Mays Landing Jail this afternoon re are the Daniel Amasa Jones of Juneau Alaska Is the guest of his father Charles II Jones of the Davenport apartments South Third street This Is Mr first visit to his hom*o town In several years Mr Jones has been named by the government as resident engineer to have entire supervision of all gov ernment highways in Alaska This appointment came to him with two leave of absence part of which he Is spending here He has been In charge of the government roads in the vicinity of Nome Alas ka district and this district as well an other districts of the state will be under his supervision In the future Mr Jones Is a Zanesvlle man who has made decidedly good In Alaska He left this city In 1904 returning to that country with his brother Charles Jones hero on a visit then Since that time he has been here on visits His brother Is now located In Nome and both have won rapid advancement In the northern coun try SAY REJECT TERMS SETTLEMENT Cleveland Dec 12 Closer su pervision and licensing of dance halls pool rooms and other recrea tional agenclea in the city was rec ommended in a report by the Cleve land oundation today as a big step In the direction of clearing the city of crooks It was charged that gambling was prevalent la most of the pool and billiard rooms wmwa mantirtnhiY a a a hanpout for thieves of all kinds Itwas charged that the police failed to exrcis their present power to elim inate both gambling and the havens for criminals By listing every rec reational agency places suspected of rramblcrfl Or withdrawing the licenses stated The report censured Whouses and certain types nnd urged rigid censorship and several other Illinois towns held mass meetings and declared they would reject terms of settlement agreed upon at the Indianapolis con ference Local unions today received mes sages sent out from the International headquarters at Indianapolis urging members to return to work at once The message signed by Acting Presi dent John Lewis and Secretary Treasurer Wm Green declared the men would gain great moral advant age by returning immediately It also asked the miners to have faith in their leaders declaring dication of their judgment we are confident will ultimately come" BILLY DANSEY NOT INSTANTLY KILLED NOW ALLEGED Mrs Elizabeth Rodgers aged 66 a native of Coshocton county was found dead In bed at the home of her son Wilber Rodgers 927 Homewood avenue at 6 ri day morning While she had been In failing health for several months her condition was not regarded as being serious and she was able to be about the house Thursday When she failed to arise at the usual hour riday morning relatives investigat ed and found she had been tor several hours Mrs Rodgers was born and cd in Coshocton county and to this city about one month ago to make her home with her son Be sides the son in this city she is sur vived by one other son Guy Rodgers of Coshocton The body wib be ta ken to Coshocton over the railroad at 12 Saturday noon for funeral services and bur ial At an informal gathering of sev eral union coal miners at the office of Sub dlstrict No 6 riday it was the general opinion that few if any coal miners returned to work riday following the notice of the declaring off of the nation wide strike re ceived here Thursday It is thought the miners will not return to work before next Monday It was also stated that several mine laborers returned to work ri day morning in order to make such repairs at the various mines as may be necessary When questioned by a Signal reporter as to the general opinion of the miners regarding the settlement by their leaders with the government it was stated major ity of the union miners had not ex pressed their views on the subject Washington Dec 12 Dr Harry A Garfieldfuel administrator hasj resigned and pected to be by President at the White Garfield's settlement of basis of President pro posal which was that the miners should have a 14 per cent Increase Vind a commission should be ap pointed to study the whole mining situation and make further changes in wages and hours if justified When this proposition was made to the miners Garfield declared it was unsatisfactory to him He Columbus Dec 12 Report! received this morning by local rail JI A4iln1 a oao! zxrxarofrtra IVaU uuiviaio auu vvm iu dicate miners of southern Ohio had returned to their work in largA numbers ull operations In most of the districts however will not be re sumed until next week It is believed Officials of the New York Central said they received orders this morn ing for the placing of 380 cars in two mining districts but they know to what extent these cars would be used The fifteen Columbus eaaentiar Industries supplied with power and light by the municipal power plant were cut off completely today upon in structions issued by IL Was son in charge of distribution Several of thoc plants are not dependent entirely upon Ute city for power and will not be forced into complete Idleness Otlwsrs will dose it was stated Wasson said today he was going to put Jt up to Mayor Karb to enforce the fuel conserva tion program here MORE ARRESTS Hammonton Dec Two and possibly more arasta will be made in connection with the death of Billy Dansey according to Ed mund Gaskill prosecuting at torney Gaskill said the Jury to consider the would begin sessions Mays Landing where and Mrs Edith Jones are in jail the former charged with the murder and the latter with being accessory' One of the persons to bo arrsted Is Mrs Susan White wife of Louis White a brother of the man charg ed with murder Magistrate Strouse of Hammonton who issued the war rants for White and Mrs Jones ad mitted today he had signed a war rant for Mrs White Ho explained it had not been served because she is ill and is nursing two sick chil dren Application for a writ of habeas corpus which has been deferred from day to day was expected to be made today by counsel for White and Mrs Jones Columbus Dec 1 Goodby Shimmy! Thy doom has been sealed (in Columbus) Dance hall proprietors and instruc tors including holders of dance hall licenses in all sections tof the city have Issued the official edict which is to mean end of the shimmy and other freak hops Says the ed ict: with heads together freak dancing the shimmy and dips of all kinds will be positive ly At the Thursday meeting called by Mrs Evalyn Scatterday city dance hall Inspector representatives of hotels dancing academies and other halls where dances are staged agreed to in enforc ing rules agreed upon at meetings to held from time to time and to make and keep dancing a clean amusem*nt Proprietors of pavilions outside the city limits sent representatives to the meeting and agreed to co operate in enforcing dance rules applied to halls within the city The general rule against freak dancing is to be put into force immediately Mine Laborers Are Getting Things Ready or Early Resumption were produced by Individuals but they can be made on a large scale according to certain standards "We expect in the course of the next six months to turn out one lo comotive and ten cars dally We are ready to supply entire railway sys tems All we need now Is It may be stated that Krupps in tends to remain a German concern Incidentally Herr Krupp Von Boh len ridiculed the Idea that the for mer Kaiser was a stock holder or even that the government was inter ested financially in Krupps Employes In the Essen plant proper In July 1914 were 41263 and In other works 39028 a total Of 80 291 In Juno' 1918 (Essen em ployed 112860 and the outside works 68641 a total of 171 001 Today the Essen plant has 44768 and the outside works 401 10 a total of 84874 Mexico City Dec 12 William Jenkins consular agent charged In a message to the United Press from that the state court there Is "killing on his request to cancel the $500 bond on which he was recently released from I tall me court nas nuvispu me my request to cancel my bond Is being Jenkins wired a i maicer or luci are Killing lime rx a I raxxr nure CM Tin 111 inr nave to near me greater pun ui matters which would Old Newspaper orced to Quit SHARON PA Dec 12 The Western Press (Mercer Ita) published for 108 years yester day succumbed to tlx) high cost of print paper This announcement was made by Vaneman president Many weekly newspapers of western Pennsylvania are facing a similar situation EXIT SHIMMY AND ARE ALSO BARRED RESORT TO CANNIBALISM LONDON Dec 12 The foot! situation In Vienna ia so terrible that cannibalism is developing according to advice received here Maria Kraon an eight year old news girl had been missing several days according to die advices when BY hladnot a channel cleaner received a piece of meat from his neighbor Joseph Maschck Chhulnot was suspicious and carried the meat to the people who declared it was human flesh wife said sIky found it in a rubbish pile while hunting coal She thought it the flesh of a young animal she said Whctlier it was die flesh of the missing newsgirl bad not been determined TWO MINES AT WORK IN CAMBRIDGE DIST (JAMBRIDGE DEC 12 Two of the Cambridge district coal mines were in full operation riday At all of the other mines the day men and machine men reported to clean up and cut the coal and local officials of the miners organization have sent out orders for all miners to report for work Monday morn ing Warrants Against Two Suspects CROOKSVILLE MINERS TO RESUME AT ONCE CROOKSVILLE One thousand union miners of the Crooksville district at mass meeting today voted unan imously to resume work The machine men and track layers entered the mines tills afternoon to prepare full operation Monday morning Bill to Prevent Big City Dailies rom Gobbling Up Supply And Sore at the Who Bailed Him Out of Puebla Jail Get 1920 Auto licenses Columbus Dec 12 Owing to change in fee for licensing motor vehicles as a result of the new automobile law Secretary of Smith has requested car owners to mailing applicat ions for 1920 reservations to Automobile Department until correct schedules of horse power accredited to the numerous cars In Ohio are adopted Lawton Mich Dec 12 Sarah Tabor mother ot Maude Tabor whose embalmed body was found In the basem*nt of her home here will probably testify when the inquest Is resumed on Monday' officials stated today Mrs Taborwill be brought from California where she was arrest ed with her son Walter Extradi tion papers were Issued yesterday according to word received here Joseph Virgo xvho admitted marrying Maude Tabor shortly be fore her death was held today charged with murder The charge was placed against Virgo following the testimony of Dr A Warth more who said the girl had died from an Illegal operation Virgo advised the mother rgalnst an Illegal operation Virgo has been married six times and has a knowledge of embalming due to some experience while work llng for an undertaker here Other Arrests Are Also To Be Made In Case It Is Alleged Would Have Him In If He Had Seen Him He Says Congressional Retord Is Al so a Waste and May Be Discontinued WASHINGTON DEO 12 TTosIdont Wilson will accept the restgiiatJon of uel Administra tor Garfield Immediately it was announced at the White House today Garfield's letter asking that lie be relieved of his duties was forwarded to the ITesident by Secretary Tumulty this morning NEW YORK Dec Eggs wro selling at S121 a dozen re tail here Butter was quoted at 80 cents a pound Dealers said tmey anticipated no irurn il Marlon Dec 12 Here Is the claimed he latest crime against a dry nation: The government weather observer here reports the theft of a three foot thermometer tube containing one rood sized drink ot alnohol Chicago Dec 12 uel bans were gradually being lifted throughout the bituminous coal consuming regions today as miners returned to work Stores which have been operating on a six hour schedule tomorrow will start the regular nine hour schedule The ban was lifted early In the case of the stores on account of the ap aroachlng holidays Reports reaching here early today Indicated the great majority of min ers would obey orders and return to work However some were expected to remain out standing pat on their demands for an Increase In wages ot 31 per cent immediately Miners at Peoria Marlon Kincaid STATE INCOME TAX MEASURE DEEATED BY 5 VOTE MARGIN WASllNGTON DEC 12 Senator Jones New Mexico to day introduced a bill to restrict use of news print paper by mak ing the postal rates on newspap ers of more than 24 pages five times the present rates Jones said the purpose of the bill is to keep the big city news palters from news print making it almost impos sible for small town and coun try papers to get paper Introduction of the bill led to discussion of the paper shortage as it affects publication of the Congressional Record Senator Smoot urged senators to stoi in serting trivial matter in the Records and thus save paper Vice President Marshall sug gested that the Record suspend publication entirely Senator Thomas seconded the suggestion declaring that is the only way to reduce the flow of oratory STILL IDLE Jackson Dec 12 Miners were still idle in Jackson county mines today Official notice that strike is over had not arrived 1 workers expressed dissatisfaction with the Indianapolis settlement DISSATISIED Logan Ded 12 General dis satisfaction was expressed by miners In the Hocking Valley fields today Work was resumed in a few of uie smaller mines It was expected that 80 per cent of the miners would turn to work Monday The rest expected to ignore the terms of Indianapolis settlement AUTO SKIDDED INTO I AN INTERURBAN CAR indla? Dee 12 Three men J'wero Instantly killed late Thursday dt Blehlers Corner north of indlay ifiss the result of their auto skidding on the Icy road Into a limited traction car The dead are Harry Swmenart 19 Don Copus 26 and Elmer Gros xenor 29 all of North Baltimore The bodies were terribly mangled and were only Identified through ipers found in the clothing Ten eople have been killed at this point Washington Dec 12 The senate today passed the Mc Nary sugar 'bill continuing the government control or sugar distribution and price for an other year WEATHER WILL SUER Crooksville Miners In Mass Convention Decide to Go to Work Auto Tax Law Passes Senate In Same orm as It Passed House WORK WASHINGTON Dec 12 must ail work together to see that a settlement Just and fair to every one is reached wltlmut de lay President Wllrinn said late Lewis head of the United Mine the in ending I not express to you fleers of your organization my which you took yesterday Now wo all must work together to see to It that a settlement Just and fair to every one is readied with out delay (Signed) COX IRST CHOICE Columbus Dec 12 Governor Cox is the first choice of Democratic members of the legislature for the presidency according to a poll made of members by a Cincinnati news paper irst choice votes give Cox 23 voles Senator Pomcreno is second with 12 votes riends of Measure to Seek reconsideration of It Next Week at Krupp Works IM PROBABLY RAIN WASHINGTON DEC 12 Weather orecast for Ohio: Rain probable toniglit and Sat urday colder Saturday in north portion spring thus preventing present creditors from getting the greater part of what Is their Previous to meeting Herr Krupp Von Bohlen with several of the leading men ot who are Interested In seeing their country and their plant back on their feet Among these were Herr Homann Herr Gehelmrat Welldfeldt and Dr George Spelrl All expressed positive and nona too op timistic views of Germany's present situation but had a certain degree of hope for the future provided Zne rest of the world was willing to "bury the and extend cred it Herr Homann showed me over the Immense plant I saw big guns be ing broken and scrapped I saw how big departments formerly de voted to fulfillment of the Hinden burg program either were budding into manufactories of locomotives cars tires accounting machines enaratnra zxlrx rxi ti'hra porarily idle awaiting the time when gardlng alleged distribution of Bol Krupp efficiency should transform them into factories pulsating with peace time pursuits "We are ready to undertake any thing which can be profitably made and which will conform with the Krupp standards of efficiency and Herr Krupp Von Bohlen told me "or Instance we may make as a single Item a portable dust and re fuse receptacle Heretofore these Beating Sword Into (By CARL GROAT) ESSEN GERMANY DEC The greati'st demonstration in history of actually "beating (lie sword Into a Is being enacted in this city Krupps formerly synonomons with war and but a few short months ago the largest manufacturers of armaments in the world today are not only giving over their enormous plant to production of peace time pro ducts but arc melting up cannon and other materials to provide material for this Men and machinery that formerly turned out siege guns small arms ammunition ana armor plate are automobile parts and farm machin ery The credit for this Is due to Herr Gustav Krupp Von Bohlen directing head of the Krupp works and rau Bertha Krupp Von Bohlen his wife and principal owner of the plant Herr Krupp Von Bohlen not only Is overturning a veritable institu tion to meet the new order of things but foresees the same success for his country providing always that Germany receives the financial and Industrial aid ghe needs "We are trying to look forward and not backward" epitomizes the spirit of an interview Herr Krupp Von Bohlen granted the United Brees today In hlg conversation he likened Germany to a big business concern which' has suffered' heavy losses Such a concern she pointed out would pay past and present ob ligations by Its future products This Is exactly what Germany would like to do he said get credit and thereby restore her own confi dence and the confidence of the world in her Such a credit Is more significant In the spirit with which It Is granted than the sum given though It must be ample and for long term thirty to forty years since It will take Germany into the next generation to become again somewhere near normal Industrially he pointed out In his Interest alone ought to rest of the world It Is re establish her credit Germany will be unable to meet her obligations "Germany today is In the position of an Industrial enterprise which though sound and strong In founda tion has whether by some fault of Its own or not may be left out of the question undergone a series of heavy losses In consequence of which It has run Into debt consider ably exceeding its own resources" said Herr Krupp Von Bohlen managing director of such a concern with any sense of his re sponsibility In Its future would think of starting anew by spending all his working stock In order to pay his present liabilities On the contrary he he would try to secure new means in order to enlarge his present stock and xna 4 vtsASOMt rxVxlirrn niuci uia yasi nuu pivnrui Hn! tiona by the future products of hla works Germany has been cripplea by war and for new na flzxna cTOu Incr lntr mnnhood COTHC i to the test of strength They will have to bear the greatest part or ine matters which would require re present burdens which if paid oft I gumption of my by the presfent generation wounded The belief was expressed in Amer and bled as It is after five years of lean circles here that the warfare would kill us and our off court will continue to mark time 1 1 i 1 until rrip ivi mtc ictja ri tnivutiiiiiHJir in ply to the latest American note is dispatched The correspondent learned today I had already talked that while Jenkins was in the capital ruesuay r'resiuent varranza indicat ed his desire to see American but diplomatic obstacles prevented the meeting Jenkins while In Mexico City de clared he did not know Salter Hansen the American who furnish ed his bail and denounced I had seen Hansen In I would have busted him Jenkins said Jenkins reiterated that knew nothing of the circ*mstances under which he was released when he was aroused in his cell at night and in formed he was He as sorted he was firmly determined further rise in the near future "break back Into jail Minister Berlanga Issued a state ment late today denying all the charges made by Senator Columbus Dec 12 TlTe defeat of the state Income tax measure la the houee late yesterday by the nar row margin ot five votes made It certain that friends of the measure will seek a reconsideration next week and try to whip into line the needed votes Opponents ot a state Income tax Insisted today that the 68 votes poll ed In favor of the bill is the high water mark that some of these will change their position and vote against It It It comes up again Thir ty elght votes were cast against It Many farmer members voted against bill even after the ex emptions had been made so high that only a comparatively few Ohio farmers would have to pay the tax The bill as introduced gave an unmarried person an exemp tion of 5M) and a married man1OOO Tliese were raised by amendments to $1000 and $2 000 respectively with $200 addi tional exemption for each de pendent in the family Senator rank Whitmore Repub lican leader of the senate was out In a statement today opposing the state income tax bill because it does not tax the Incomes of corporations and partnerships' He says that Ohio cities and other political sub divisions would secure all the ftnan 'i ctal relief i they needed It sinking fund and Interest chargee were re moved from the interior limitations of the Smith law and all inns wara HmitArt till rnnra In debts i The senate today sent to the governor the graduated autoino tax hich passed the senate yesterday 32 to 6 No changes were made in the rates fixed by tle house The Grlswald substitute for the health mpssnra will hft fore the house when It returns next week The bill as drawn makes each city a health district Cities are defined as 6000 or more population It makes possible the employment of a part time health commissioner and makes optional the employment: of a nurse or clerk In general the measure puts into the hands of local officers the de termination of policy and the amount of expense It eliminates the provisions of the Hughes bill con cerning civil service so far as gen eral health districts are concerned This does not apply to charter cities which ha ve civil service Many of the Hughes provisions! still remain In the bill but the sub stltute provides for a re arrange ment ot health districts In order to permit Senator Hard ing to run for senator in case he falls to get the nomination for Presi dent a bill Is now pending before the legislature requiring candidates to file their declarations 45 Instead of 60 days before the August primar ies Under the present law Harding would have to file his declaration for the senate on June 11 or the third day ot the Republican conven tion The bill was Introduced la the senate by Rep Hopley Its pas sage seems certain as Republicans control both branches Ohio technically was without a state civil service commission today following octlou of the senate late yesterday In refusing to confirm the appointment of George Ewing to the post by Governor Cox The senate last week refused to confirm the ap pointment of Randolph Walton the other member of the com mission Both are holding their jobs await ing the sending of new names by the governor to tne senate EGGS S124D0ZEN SAMUEL MATTHEWS DIED HERE EARLY striKOi sdroniv winoM mc riiiifi MVBb ion 1 i I 4 ft If a 1 4 jl 4 1 3 ii.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.