The Zanesville Signal from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

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TSEWW wSts 'i a su TT THURSDAY TVLY 20 1 OURTEEN THE Emmet Cain Leaves Terminals Canton Club May Disbands i Pittsburg 2 Philadelphia 0 Midget Shortstop Jumped Reuther is the Boy Babe Adams Bigbee and Maranville 1 Philadelphia 6 SL Louis 3 to Eveleth Club Company Who Keeps Dodgers9 Pep Are Pittsburg Mainstays BABE ADAMS AND MARANVILLE 17 Greys Hit Their Strjde and all on Baxter and Pyotts for 8 5 Totals 36 AB as 38 5 9 18 nat ability UTTLE Boston HOT STU! way Pct 3000 Hotuis meant of Sofid Gamont in every pair at ASSOCIATION trademark identifies the genuine nr AT CANTON SM ESTABLISHED at 3 8 'i MADETQT UfADETOJSRDEn (jfcCarrl) 1 1 3 I AT KALAMAZOO 9 4 i 2 3 3:0314 1 The United Woolen Mills Co 3 1 President 1 2 TRADE MARK 3 4 3 1 MAIN CORNER OURTH 3 2 1 40 31 29 6 2 2 3 5 Lost 31 35 40 week the Louis and 1 2 47 51 Cum enner that two Reilly Cummings rf enner lb Caton 3b Huffman If Griffith Zanesville Pyotts Lost 37 40 41 43 44 The Indians have copped 10 in a row and with just a few more will give the Tygers a run for the first division ro A 'WovuDblT fHnouu AUJAY faaeE Pairs Znneavllle ogle cf Seitz 2b Caton ss 6 3 INDIANS LOOM UP AS ITHPARTY IN LEAGUE RACE NATIONAL Won 51 54 46 46 of a more over the fence Wipe that pout oft Ruth evu HOTTEST Walker and busted yesterday your face Two base hits Caton mlngs Caton Conlan 1 Crotch Union SuituPct USAl the YESTERDAY'S RESULTS National New York 5 Cincinnati 2 St Louis 7 Boston 6 Chicago 8 Brooklyn 6 pot's CAI HE HUH OJHA'f happened You 7 SOfAE CUcKooS7 ARE LUCKY CANY EVEN GET ONB GlAAfAE THE CARDS inning the Greys opened such a VICIOUS aUACh II1UL IL I'SH to withdraw him for Hoffman After the change in faces the Greys secured three runs more (The Greys presented an entirely different line up yesterday Huff 3 2 shifted to the clean up position ogle was boosted to lead off man and Caton went back to his old stall Huffman played good ball making four putouts and collect ing two hits Kime as not able to Pyotts Blank 3b Conlan cf The railroad company has re fused to grant passes to Black men and this fact coupled with the poor crowds of the past tew weeks has made it hard for the club to exist financially It has been deemed a wise idea to disband and already a Pennsylvana trip has been cancelled Since Caln has left the club Pete Clancy has been playing shortstop alongside of his brother He has been doing very creditable work in the few games played but Cain filled a big hole and his absence is keenly felt by Manager Blackburn It has been decided to play the Agathons this week end in the hope that the coffers will be strengthened and also put off the "closing up" for at least a week so that should the rail strike be settled within that time the club may start out anew is making every ef fort possible to keep the boys to gether and it is the sincere hope of every true sport in Zanesville that he succeeds We like him andwant to see his club get along HAUJ HAUJ YOU HELD i 'THREE PAIRS HEY ytDiDtJT Give YOO VIORE'N You ASHED op Within the past Interest between St New York has dwindled a little but is liable to any time PARIS CARTERS No toelal touch you 2 1 1 5 6 Patch Watts also 5 2 Moco Den Clubs New York St Louis Chicago Cincinnati Brooklyn Pittsburg Philadelphia Boston local Mendels recently de feated the Gimlets on the Gant park diamond by the score of 7 2 Smith latched good ball for the Mendels and naa tne Minuets his mercy at all times Score: necessary to success as great tirai Urban Shocker and Carmen Hill may now find their out of this column Clubs Indianapolis St Paul Milwaukee Minneapolis Louisville Kansas City Columbus Toledo i (Mills purse $5000: (Prince Loree (McDev IfH RESULTS Mt Sterling 6 Pilgrims 1 Mendels 7 Gimlets 2 Their extremely light 'cool and comfortable features 'score an instantaneous suc cess Note the small shield and the narrow Ipng stretch peppy half inch silk elastic A delight clear through Patterned in the PARIS Perfection Way join the team as had ed and it is hardly he will be able to Greys on any of the trip ish is slated afternoon The Greys left Chicago early this morning tor Kenosha where they will Simmons team in Score: The Roseville baseball team will play at Quaker City on Saturday afternoon and then meet the Crooksville club at the Roseville park on Sunday afternoon It will he the first game of the season be tween these two teams and Gor don will pitch for Roseville while Daugherty is slated to hurl for Crooksville several years Burleigh has been the one best bet Brooklyn staff He is nl Coat Cut Undrhi andKnw Length rA wffri Men 85c the garment good good McCANN LET EARUL Women rush the seasons Which probably is why The summer girl in summer Likes to cop oft a fall guy 141 oon 202 001 Pilgrims Mt Sterling Batteries Bollinger and hall Wise and Campbell A A PRACTICE The A A baseball club is asked to meet at the air grounds at 6 Thursday evening for a short practice session 44 44 50 53 New York July 20 Cleveland separated by only six and a half games from the league leading St Louis club as the result of a win ning streak of ten games today loomed as a fifth entrant In the already spectacular American league pennant hunt Coveleskie twirled the Indians to their tenth straight over Washington four to one AU five contenders were bunch ed a trifle closer ns a result of the Browns' defeat at the hands of Philadelphia and the eighth straight victory of Ty Tiger victories over the 5 2 while the Chicago White Sox con tinued their winning drive by trouncing Boston 8 0 The Athletics owe their 6 3 vic tory over the league leaders to the terrific hitting of Tillie Walker who crashed out two homers and took the American league clout ing lead from Ken Williams of the Browns with a total of 23 four base blows It was Walker's tenth this month and the third time within the same period that he has hit a brace of homers In a single game Adolph Rettig a sand Vt recruit held the Browns to nine hits in his major league debut i Rogers Hornsby whose heavy hitting has been the mainspring in the drive that has carried the St Louis Cardinals with a halt game of the Giants pulled victory out of the fire for men with a homer in the ninth that scored three runs and beat the Braves 7 6 Nehfs pitching enabled ants to defeat Cincinnati first game of the series Three base hits Driscoll Butcher I Caton Double plays Baxter to Kilby Caton to Setts to enner Caton to enner Bases on baits Oft Baxter 2 oft Hoffman 5 off Grif fith 1 Struck out By Griffith 2 oy xsaxter 1 oy lionman 4 RHE Massillon 003 022 10 2 Pyotts 000 001 031 5 12 4 Batteries McKinstry and Cobb 1 ey and Yore "BVD Sleevelc 9 Cloud Crotch Union Sults (Pat A) 1 00 the lull Pct575556529517500476427414 The Quaker City team which last season annexed 23 victories out of 28 games played blds fair to again make a good record this season To date the team has won 10 and lost 2 Games have been won from Martins erry Ross Johns Byesville Ea gles Bridgeport Eagles Nogle eounty (2) Cambridge Afefas Cam bridge Ex High Reds Zanesville Armcos King's Mines and Calais Games were lost to Martins erry Ross Johns and Byesville Eagles The Roseville team plays at Quaker City Saturday July 22 and Cumber land July 29 the Gi in the 5 to 2 Wilbur Cooper of the Pirates shut out Philadelphia 7 0 and Brooklyn lost to Chicago 8 6 after getting away to an early lead 8 2 fl STEIN i COMPANY Chicago New York The Pilgrim church ball club of the league lost a hard fought game to Mt Sterling at that place on Wednesday afternoon by a score of 6 1 Wise pitched good ball for Mt Sterling and had the Pilgrims out wnen nits runs Score: A ii i 1 HOW THEY STAND Totals Batted for Moffman in ninth Clubs Mendels 7 12 Gimlets 3 8 Batteries Smith and Brown Tucker and Jones 15 4 6 8 2 Broom LO AMONG THE ALSO RANS Dhllainlnhid St lftlliH Association Columnus i feu raui Milwaukee 10 Louisville Kansas City 10 Indiana! Toledo 12 Minneapolis Minneapolis 12 Toledo 3 (2nd) 607535523488 4763S3354 POOLX ROOM JOY PIPES for Camp for Sport SmoKe riend l'L MATTINGLY Props 5th St 3 5 UNITED" Tailor Made Clothes for all will be better but no WE fO 'igure our houj came 'No HAMS SE'NS OURS AMD Treys 3 2 Billy 1 Ely Direct Betty Volo Bella Savannah and niru miaiicij Time 2:17 2:19 Mr Dayton comes direct from Best Co ifth Ave New York City where he was designer and manufac turer He has had 35 years experience in high class tailoring in New York Rochester and other cities 213U 2:1414 K' JSte' flteBVD Company souc KXWrACTunms or ovn 2 5 Dolly Dimples Miss Guy Line and pVnuihsBXTTnionSuit dives the young fellow the same comfort and the same long wear afforded his Dad by me MerisBYKUnionSuit The 2:17 pace three heats purse tiuvo: Sun lash br (Cox) 1 T' tfAniaAnl ILiBL vr III 4UV1 iiovii' Arrowhead 2 5 I ntrlrnl arltHiH! ixfilTH 1 LarKspur ana tnngen stnrten 2:08 2:08 8 4 Alexander 1 1 Miss EascU (Erskins) 2 2 2 all right he Robinson to the a serious proposition Reuther is tending strictly to business Any time he steps into the box he wants to win He has developed over night intb the hardest kind of a loser All of which merely proves man took place in left the proper mental attitude is as1 field and batted frw Reilly who was The 2:09 pace three Parker Bov (Berry) 1 peter Henley (Stokes) 2 Daisy Pointer (Mor rison) 8 Harles Damon also started 2:05 2:05 2:05 The 2:08 trot three heats Paper Miltnn Wood hlk er fVaiD Poncpatrain Orphan Peter Laura orbes and Aimer also started 2:09 2:11 2:10 1 a wrr 1 nil Tulia Vanes Harfv Hawker g(White HCIV1 Bingen Pointer br (Ab ramsi Geo Regina ar (Jones) Beauvias (Armstrong) lo the only Zanesville entry in races at Marion was outside the money in the 2:14 trot The following is the day's sum maries: 2:17 pace $1000 Houghton Sulky blARC Hl Bl Il 1 Elverso br (Mallow) Hugh (leming) Mary Coffee br (White I head) nt) i i The Great Volo (Cox) 2 2 2 wortnv (aiuronv David Axworthy Ted dy and Marcendale also started 2:03 206H 2:04 The 2:14 trot purse 21000: Topsy Todd blk (Morri Ison) 2 1 1 Holyrood Hilda (McMa bon) 14 6 Mojolto (Berry) 3 2 3 Mary Anna Phelps The Great ig Leaf Bill Sharen and Ben Mc Gregor also started 2:0714 2:0814 2:08 The two Caton brothers were rather warm yesterday when they tried to set Chicago on fire with their 8 hits Some papers say they did it too The Cubs have stolen a slight march on the Reds but should Donohue work for and Reuther for the Dodgers it's a bet they can be replaced Roger Hornsby Is doing his best to get hot since he heard of this column Te smacked a homer yesterday just to let us print his name Keep going Tris Steady now Patty old boy up Ee will mject into ow garments some of that inimitable New York style without sacrificing in the least the stwdly quality of fabrics andl trimmings that has always been their great ffeatWe1 2 8 6 Ladd Boy Bill Burrell Anita the Great lo and Polnsetta Brother also started 2:144 9 17 1000 Mouffhton SulkV siaKe secuna aivimon Harry Volo so (Rader) ndfllBi in (riinruiio Anna Moore (Myers) Tony (Mcarland) started ziio13 mt: 11000 Llnara watts u'tax ICO) Clyde the Great (Lammieinj Lord Stout (Stout) Prodigal Watts g(Iem 'I6 Einmlts Son and alan cfnrfpd 2:10 ziO4 7i nnrn miuie Tr (Plaxico) Virginia (Vai mr i a i Nsllbe Bearer m(Mc Penrod (Stout) Kiiiv 19 Ev inrr GAMES TODAY 1 National 1 New York at Cincinnati Boston at St Louis Brooklyn at Chicago Philadelphia at Pittsburg American Cleveland at Washington Chicago at Boston Detroit at New York i St Louis at Philadelphia Association i i Columbus at St Paul Toledo at Minneapolis TmilavniA nt MlIWflUkM Indianapolis at ivansas vity Stores also in Columbus Cincinnati Springfisld Dayton Lima Hamilton Portsmoutn Cambridge Marietta and Steubenville Parkersburg Clarksburg Charleston Hunting ton Wheeling airmont and Bluefield Va Ashland Ky and Pittsburg Pa A i baseball was a mere amusem*nt rather than a metflis of livelihood with Reuther Nothing him If he won It was also equally acceptable if This season Manager has won Reuther over heats purse 2 1 AMERICAN Clubs Won St Louis 50 New York 50 Chicago 46 Detroit 46 Cleveland 44 Washington 40 Philadelphia 35 Boston 36 in spite of the recent advances in the price of wool and woolens Our great buying power for twenty stores and our vast volume production will absorb the advances which other tailors and clothiers must pass on to you Despite the fact the Pittsburg Pirates have slumped in their play the work of Maranville can not be overlooked 1 There are few better shortstops in the game than the diminutive Maranville When he came to the Pirates in 1921 the club was regarded as just so so He welded the Pirates into a fast going machine that for a greater part of the year showed the way to the Giants Maranville has the old fighting spirit He Imbued his 'teammates witn it as a result me xiru have been a pretty tough team to beat ever since Maranville joined I the club Other Pirates who might receive some consideration are Outfelder Bigbee and Pitcher Babe Adams who despite his years is still a great pitcher Amateur Games JVlay orce earn to Quit Emmet Cain brother of Homer of 'ke Greys has jumped the Canton Terminals and is now playing the shortfield for the Eveleth Minn team ollowing' a temporary break in the Canton schedule Cain announced that he was leaving to accept an offer made by Eveleth Cain is the second man leave the Terminals within the past two weeks Joe "Willis having gone to join the Mahoney City Pa team JThe Canton club now needs a shortstop and several twirlers but cannot secure them due to the present rail road conditions Rumor has reached this city that the club is almost ready to disband because of industrial troubles and local fans aic anxiously awaiting the outcome of the rumor A meeting of the players was held in Canton last Tues day afternoon after which it was announced that the team would play the Massillon Agathons this Saturday and Sunday and then hold another meeting on next Monday afternoon The work' of one pitcher very often keeps a major league team in the race or years he twirling of Wal fsr Tnhnsnn kent the fans of Wash ington from thinking the Nationals' thought that baseball is were in some league vmvi uuu American Last season after the Chicago White Sox had been shot to pieces because of the baseball scandal Pitcher aber kept the hopes of the Sox supporters burn ing by his remarkable pitching In 1920 Jim'Bagby of the Cleve land club with 31 victories was the sensation of the American League Coupled with Stanley Coveleskio he just about pitched the Indians into a pennant This season during the early stages of the American League race Urban Shocker of the Browns kept the St Louis team going while the rest of the staff was rounding into form or Grimes on the wavs figured as the ace Contrary to the experts the big noise at Brooklyn this year is Reuther In the spring dope Grimes was heavily figured on Reuther received little more I than passing mention Today Kcutnsr ts 86nsation of the National League race He won ten games out of his first 12 starts Seldom a week passes but that he adds another victory to his total While the rest of the Brooklyn staff was floundering around Reuther was pitching in vincible ball great work kept the: fire burning in the Dodger camp until the other pitchers hit their stride Then the Dodgers began to show their real speed Today the club is a mighty dangerous op ponent If the Brooklyn team proves to be the dark horse of the National League much of the cred it must be slipped to Reuther How comes this great work on the part of Reuther? Reuther has always had much natural ability With Chicago and Cincinnati he at times was almost unbeatable In 1919 when the Reds won the pennant he went "Jtreat Having a care free dlsnosltlnn After losing "four in a row" the Greys came back Wednesday at 1 ternoon and besides evening their series with the Chicago club land ed an 8 5 victory in the win column The game was featured by the heavy hitting of the local club and never were they in danger after the first frame Les Gnttitn went to tne nm ror the Greys and avenging his 4 3 defeat of Sunday put the damper on the lads who could garner but 9 hits oft of his delivery Only three Pyott hits went tor extra bases whle five Greys slammed out Iona hits and the Caton brothers led the offensive for the Greys and between them collected a triple two doubles and five singles Each got four hits I "Jimmv" a triple double and two worried singles and three singles It 1 cv Ip 4 a i a 11111 a uuuui2: Jimmy Baxter was on the mound pscoll 2b for the Pyotts but in the second Butcher If luersus rr Jamieson i Kilbv lb Heckinger Baxter Hoffman pDaubert REUTHER BROOKLYN PITCHED By BILLY EVANS UZo i hLo nlpacurp in announcing that Mr A Dayton of New York City is now associated' with us as head designer and manufacturer Mr i WE Ilk? Bi fl vvjA isHk wK KhRL I tr 1X3? a''IMSS0? ur 1 i XwM I JS 111 'WwSif BthtisS IV Iw i 1 Victory I VJYlnderwearisIdeMiedPyiMs EM been announc Red Woven Labe1 WSh'S: IM rXAperogTHE aiM games on their 11 aw jfe Bvl liH to work this JK jro JS BEST RETAILTRADE BWMWW Wls i iyBtMturatartadfnitnCoifrtnui meet the fast IlSi a series of ram os No Underwear is ithoutlt tl 3 0 3 1 (J i I 5 i 2 i oi 2 2 1 13 0 0 5 1 2 4 0 0 KT 2 110 2 0: SSSSsSSSS vrn4 8 15 27 14 1 I ASS PO A 1 IX 5 1 2 3 0 o' 4 i i 4 2 2 6 4 0 4 2 2 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 1 4 1 Blr 4 0 0 8 2 0 1 1 on SnvsSnnN'II Ii I ll 000130 rY 3 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ft 9 vw KJ a i psks i Is XI 1 a i SSSSn 'i IV NNNX A 1 Noted Designer Joins United btatt is fe te a i i II i 1 KSKC2X SISiLf vlillr ZErr Myffll frjAZ i u' 1 I I 1 1 i i jl I xl JL i '4 Won Lost Pct 54 36 600 51 35 593 54 42 563 46 43 517 47 46 505 43 53 448 38 54 413 33 57 367 LITTLE By Link iW I.

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.