1. Claudio Papalia - Binged
The Pradeeps of Pittsburgh. Film, Tv show, Documentary, Stand-up Comedy, Short Film. Action, Adventure, Animation, Biography, Comedy, Crime, Documentary ...
Claudio Papalia
2. Claudio Papalia - TorinoFilmLab
Bevat niet: top 10
Editorial consultant, Claudio Papalia manages Fert Rights ltd, an experimental media-content development agency servicing independent producers on behalf of the Editorial Innovation dpt. of F.E.R.T. - Filming with a European Regard in Turin. Fert Rights currently co-ordinates the 2RIN CONTENT innovation project, within a network of 7 Piedmont documentary producers specialising in transmedia interactive factual content. In this frame he designed and manages Trancemedia.eu, a webmagazine meant to raise awareness among independent producers and to provide them with effective collaboration tools. Within F.E.R.T., Claudio Papalia initiated, since 1992: the rescue and reconstruction of the historical Fert Studios in Turin (now Virtual Reality Multi Media Park); the constitution of the Torino-Piemonte Film Commission; the constitution of clusters of content producers in Piedmont; the promotion of the Documentary in Europe annual workshop; the networked participation of producers in the main international markets for content; the Affabula Readings programme for promotion of original screenplays. He co-ordinated European IST, Info2000, Interreg projects for the networking of content producers (rights management and traceability of editorial processes in convergent domains such as digital content production, publishing, broadcasting and emerging media distribution). He has managed the BFB - Book Film Bridge and Transmedia Factual (Turin International Book Fair-IBF), and col...
3. Top class 4 hrs 3 people - Grandvalira
The Top Class is an exclusive service provided by high level instructors. It is an exclusive product characterized by the quality of its services.
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4. SanDisk Professional Academy
SanDisk Professional Academy is a community established exclusively for creative professionals to showcase their work and learn from experts in various ...
See AlsoEdna Cintron JumpSanDisk Professional Academy is a community established exclusively for creative professionals to showcase their work and learn from experts in various fields.
5. The Movie Sleuth
The Movie Sleuth is dedicated to bringing you movie reviews, articles, new releases, blu rays, cult movies, interviews, and articles.
The Movie Sleuth is dedicated to bringing you movie reviews, articles, new releases, blu rays, cult movies, interviews, and articles.
6. Announcements - e-flux
e-flux announcements are press releases for art exhibitions from all over the world. The announcement archive documents some of the most significant ...
7. Claudio Bisio aprirà il Magna Graecia Film Festival - Il Quotidiano del Sud
Claudio Bisio aprirà il Magna Graecia Film Festival. DENISE UBBRIACO | 14 Giugno 2024 10:18 | 0 commenti ... Promozione A: nella Top Ten spicca Cortaberria ...
A inaugurare la ventunesima edizione del Magna Graecia Film Festival, in programma dal 27 luglio al 4 agosto, sarà l'eclettico Claudio Bisio.
8. Lolita 2000 - Film (1990) - il Davinotti
di Clyde Rocca (Claudio Papalia) - Nulla di che con il più celebre Lolita proposto da Kubrick e ispirato al libro di Nabokov. Qui la "lolita"...
di Clyde Rocca (Claudio Papalia) - Nulla di che con il più celebre Lolita proposto da Kubrick e ispirato al libro di Nabokov. Qui la "lolita" in questione è la già cresciutella Petra Scharbach (l'anno seguente protagonista nel film di Schicchi, La mia preda). Affiancata dalla celebre (porno) Barbarella/Virna Anderson, il film di Papalia scorre piacevolmente, in virtù - oltre che del grazioso e generoso nudo di necessità - di una regia dinamica e divertente.